Post Conviction
Post-conviction relief is one of the last means of overturning a conviction available to a defendant. However, it is only available under certain conditions. An experienced criminal defense attorney must ensure the defendant makes a solid case promptly after the conclusion of conviction or appeal. Post-conviction requirements include making sure that there are no more opportunities for a direct appeal. Additionally, the defense may have to build a case around the following; The incompetence of the original defense attorney resulted in prejudice against the defendant. Ineffective assistance of appellate counsel. Prosecutorial misconduct, such as withholding evidence that would have proved the defendant’s innocence. Lastly, new evidence is likely to exonerate the defendant. Contact Neubauer, Pelkey, and Goldfinger immediately if you believe you have cause to apply for post-conviction relief. NPG is well-equipped to tackle post-convictions, and we have obtained many favorable rulings.