Federal Criminal Defense
You must immediately take action if you become aware that you’re the subject of a federal criminal investigation. Quick intervention by an experienced defense attorney may be able to direct the course of an investigation and prevent an indictment. If charges become inevitable, the attorneys at NPG have over 20 years of experience and are are well prepared to take your case to battle. Federal criminal investigations and prosecuting federal offenses get handled quite differently than criminal cases in state courts. The various law enforcement agencies investigating federal crimes are usually well-funded and have highly experienced agents and investigators. Federal crimes typically result in a more severe sentence than a state crime. These harsher sentences hold especially true in drug trafficking, conspiracy cases, and charges for sex crimes. Call our office today, and let us help you strategize your next step. When your future hangs in the balance, you need a skilled defense attorney. One who can navigate the nuances of your case and is adept in the art of criminal defense.